Sounds of Global Harmony


(1 customer review)

Featuring the chanting of the Gyuto Monks of Tibet with cello, whirlies, bells (Sarah Hopkins); shakuhachi (Anne Norman); didgeridoo (Chris Neville).

SKU: cd-SGH Category:


This unique collaboration with the Gyuto Monks of Tibet was recorded in Australia during a tour by the monks, combining the ancient harmonic chant of Tibet with the music of composers Sarah Hopkins and Anne Norman: didgeridoo emerges from within the depths of the monks’ chant; cello and shakuhachi wend melodic lines above rich textures of whirlies and didge; a subtle interplay of cello with the chant of a solo monk; the melancholy of a solo shakuhachi performing with a chorus of monks; the spontaneous beauty of an improvised duo of cello and shakuhachi performed in response to working with the monks…

Additional information


Gyuto House 2000

Performers and co-creators

Gyuto Harmonic Choir; Chris Neville (didjeridu, harmonic whirlies, harmonic overtone singing); Sarah Hopkins (violoncello, harmonic whirlies, and harmonic overtone singing); Anne Norman (shakuhachi).


Folk, World, & Country.


$25 when bought from retail outlets; buy here for special price of $15 plus postage.

NLA record

Tracks and notes

  1. Eternal blessings (06:54)
  2. Forgotten times (04:23)
  3. Sonic blue (09:22)
  4. Sacred view (06:05)
  5. Inner journey (06:46)
  6. Bridge between worlds (05:20)
  7. Living prayer wheels (06:34)
  8. Remember the joy (06:05)
  9. Offering (06:31)
  10. In the present (04:29)
  11. Tantric transformation (04:20)
  12. Evening prayer (03:25)

Liner notes include programme notes, notes about the development of the colaboration, and biographical notes on composers/​performers.

1 review for Sounds of Global Harmony

  1. Kerry Harvey

    For the first time in their 2,500 year history, the Gyuto Monks of Tibet bring their ancient traditions of spiritual chant into collaboration with western musicians. The resultant experience is deeply transformational …

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